St Francis of Assisi (SFoA) Catholic Primary School is proud to offer a Pre-Kindy for 2025. Our Pre-Kindy will operate at SFOA every Tuesday in 2025. Children must be three years of age to attend. Our maximum class size is 20 with a qualified and experienced Early Childhood Teacher and Teacher Assistant. 
Our program is designed to provide a safe, nurturing, and stimulating environment that encourages children to learn and grow. Our program is based on the principles of the Early Years Learning Framework which is centred around Belonging, Being and Becoming.
The children will be immersed in a play-based learning environment that is child-centred and responsive to children’s interests, needs and abilities. Our program is designed to foster children’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical development through a range of experiences. 
At SFOA we provide:
• Play-based learning activities that encourage children to explore, experiment and problem solve.
• Opportunities for children to develop their language, literacy and numeracy skills through storytelling, imaginative play and counting activities. 
• Creative experiences that encourage children to express themselves through art, music, and movement. 
• Outdoor play that promotes physical activity, exploration, and risk-taking in a safe and supervised environment.
• Social and emotional learning activities that help children develop positive relationships, empathy, and self-regulation skills.
• An environment where children feel safe, secure, valued and supported.
• Opportunities for families to actively involved in their child’s learning and welcome their input, feedback, and suggestions. 
Day: Tuesdays each school term
Time: 8:30am - 2:30pm
Place: Kindy Room
Cost: $50 per session and $50 registration fee