Parents & Friends Association (P&F)
Our school Parents and Friends Association (P&F) is made up of a group of committed parents whose aim is to support our school community with both social and fundraising events. They form an integral part of our community and running of the school through raising essential funds towards maintaining our school and it's facilities, as well as providing for the needs of our children.
The P&F is responsible for hosting a range of school events including:
Family Fun Night
Cake Stalls
Easter Raffle
Student Lunches
SFoA Community lunches
Mother’s Day Stall
Colour Run
Scholastic Book Club
Father’s Day Stall
Bunnings Sausage Sizzle Fundraiser
Bingo/ quiz night
Christmas Markets
Graduation Morning Tea
St Andrews Church Sausage Sizzle
End of year Disco
2019 - Resurfacing of the school basketball
2020 - New Sensory Room and LCD Signage at the entrance of the school
2021 - Vehicles in the playground (Junior Nature Play Landcruiser and Boat in K/PP) & HD Streaming Camera in Hall
2022 - Six Seasons Noongar Mural
Along with these projects, the P&F also support classroom needs including Books for Literacy Pro, Animal Fun Gross Motor Skills Program and the increased STEM resources for robotics.
2023 P & F Executive
President - Rose Canzirri
Vice President - Stephenie Kunder
Secretary - Erin Hawes
Treasurer - Heidi Durer-Jones
Meetings are held twice a term on a Tuesday at 8:45am in the Board Room and all parents are invited to attend and contribute their ideas. Parents who are unable to attend in person can also connect via Teams. New families and parents are always welcome and we look forward to growing our community! Contact the P&F at the following email address: pandf@stfrancisbutler.wa.edu.au