Choosing a school for your child is an important choice and we are here to support you in the process. Get in touch if you have any questions.
A big part of choosing a school for your child is the feeing you have when entering and meeting the school community. The best way to see what we can offer you and your family at St Francis is to have a school tour- we would love to show you around!
Our enrolment process and online application can be found below.
1. Book a Visit
Learn more about St Francis by booking a visit. We would love to show you around to meet our teachers, students and see our facilities.
DAY Monday-Thursday
TIME 45 minutes
2. aPPLY for Pre-Kindy or kindy
Children start Kindergarten when they are four years old by 30 June. Our Kindy positions are advertised two years ahead and families are encouraged to apply when their child is two years of age, or younger.
Children can begin Pre-Kindy when they turn three years old. Offers for Pre-Kindy are made after a child is accepted for Kindergarten.
Siblings of students already enrolled in the school are required to submit an application for enrolment.
3. aPPLY for a place from PP to Year 6
Positions can become available in other year groups. Please get in touch and we will provide you with more information. We do our best to accommodate all siblings.
4. Interview with the principal
Where possible, interviews include both parents and all children seeking a place at St Francis. If your family hasn’t visited the school before, we include a short tour. Kindy interviews are two years prior, generally starting in Term 2. Interviews for places in other years are immediate.
DATE We will be in touch to arrange a date.
TOUR 20 minutes
INTERVIEW 30 minutes
5. Offer of position
An offer of enrolment may be made to your child for a position at St Francis. To secure your place, accept in writing and pay the enrolment deposit. On commencement at St Francis of Assisi Catholic Primary School, this payment will be credited to your first statement.
The $70 non-refundable enrolment deposit is paid via EFTPOS at the office or over the phone.
Apply Now
Submit your online Application for Enrolment, along with uploads of the required documents. We are unable to progress applications without all the documentation.
Copies of the following are also required
- Birth Certificate
Baptism Certificate
Australian Immunisation Register Record – click here for further details
The $50 non-refundable application fee is paid via EFTPOS at the office or over the phone - call 08 9562 9500​
Other information: