ChildSafe Catholic Schools

ChildSafe Framework
Catholic Schools focus on creating engaging, safe and supportive learning environments. The three key concepts of being a ChildSafe Catholic School include:
Situational Prevention - Evaluating various elements within our school - including physical and online environments, staffing, governance, behaviours and culture with an aim to eliminate or mitigate situations that present risk for children and young people.
Extended Guardianship - When our leaders, staff and wider school community share a collective responsibility to actively support an environment that is engaging, supportive and safe. At a basic level this involves talking about behaviours that don't contribute to engaging supportive and safe environments.
Healthy & Respectful Relationships - Pope Francis says in AMORIS LAETITA, as an essential requirement of love, "every human being is bound to live agreeably with those around him". Modelling healthy and respectful relationships creates an engaging, safe and supportive environment. It also equips children and young people with the understanding of how they should be treated.
The Nine Elements of the ChildSafe Framework provide an umbrella of elements to ensure we maintain a ChildSafe Catholic School.
Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum
As part of our school's commitment to ensuring child safety, every year group delivers the Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum as part of the Health Program. This is an evidenced-based curriculum that outlines the protective behaviours explicitly taught to children at an age-appropriate level. Classroom teachers will advise parents of the content each term through their weekly overviews.​
For more parent information on the content, please visit this link: Parent Flyer Keeping Safe Information